German magazine
Bravo took a look at the ABC of Christie (in German) in
its April 12, 1971 issue. See how many items you can pick
out in the photos.
A for autos and amulette:
Cars are a favourite, the faster the better. The amulets
are gifts from fans.
B for boxing gloves: Paul
Fenton's treasured memento of gloves once used by Mohammad
C for China: The only country
where Christie has not yet had a hit. The irony is that
China's main river is the Yangstze Kiang, the famed Yellow
River. But the group will tour in Hong Kong soon.
D for degen jagen (sword hunt):
Vic's keen on collecting swords.
E for eulen (owls): Owls
remind Jeff of his hometown in Leeds.
F for fliegen (flying):
Christie have flown all over the world in a short time:
performing in Africa, America, Australia and Europe.
G for glück (luck):
One cannot buy luck. Jeff worked hard to achieve his success.
H for handel (trade):
"Trading" is a favourite pasttime: Paul dabbles
in money, Vic in commodities, and Jeff sells his songs super-expensively!
I for Indien (India): India
is Vic's favourite country that he wants to visit; tigers
and maharajas.
J for Jaguar X16: Vic loves
this car. Every spare minute is spent behind the wheel,
usually with a girl in the passenger seat.
K for kleidung (clothes) and kaktus
(cactus): Clothes are important for Christie; the
boys love wearing the latest fashions. The cactus was bought
by Paul from Mexico.
L for liebe (love): Very
important for the boys. But at the moment they want to remain
as bachelors for as long as they can.
M is for milch (milk):
Paul's favourite drink, giving him strength to peform as
energetically as he does on stage.
N is for natürlich (nature):
Jeff loves nature, and would love to save enough money to
buy a farm.
O is for orangen
(oranges): Jeff also loves oranges and orange juice
and takes them wherever he goes.
P is for pauke (drums):
On stage, Paul hits the drums with incredible energy ..
but in private, he is a very calm person.
Q is for quizspiele (quiz games):
The Christie boys play quizzes to pass the time on tour
whenever they are bored.
R is for rosen (roses):
Vic is a keen rose gardener, to make sure he always has
roses handy for a nice girl.
S is for salamander: Salamanders
have been Paul's favourite animal since he was at school!
T is for trampen (hitch-hiking):
Jeff's a great hitch-hiker. In fact, he hitch-hiked to a
Tremeloes gig and introduced his songs to Alan Blakley,
and the rest was history.
U is for uhren (clocks):
Clocks are Christie's enemy! The boys hate to be rushed
and pressed into schedules.
V is for vorderlader (rifles):
Strangely, rifles used to decorate decorate the walls of
the house where Jeff and Vic lived in London.
W is for wohnung (dwelling):
One day Paul will find a place of his own. So far he's lived
only with his parents or shared a house with Jeff.
Y is for Yellow River:
Christie's first hit!
Z is for zeitungen (newspapers):
Because they travel so much, the boys read newspapers as
often as they can to catch up with what's happening back
home. Jeff reads in bed, Paul in the plane, and Vic while